Personalized Astrology & Tarot Readings


This reading was shockingly resonant and relevant. I will be thinking about it for a long time! The way Hummingbird interpreted the cards and the astrology was so connected to my life at present it was nothing short of goosebump inducing.


 Supporting folks in mapping their lives to their astrology is one of my absolute favorite things to do. Whether you're brand new to your natal chart or have been exploring it for decades, my readings will help you lean in to its magic, and the unique energies and timelines that reflect your personal soul-journey. I bring a background in somatics and energy training, and 15 years as a healer and spaceholder to my private work. I also work actively with a team of spirit guides that support each reading. Your deepest life-inquiries are welcome; in particular, I am here for tough conversations about humanity's current predicament, and how to live with integrity in times of collapse.
Learn more about me (Hummingbird) here!

My reading with Hummingbird was informative, moving, expansive. I learned so much about myself, things about my life or my personality that always puzzled me are now clear, and being able to hold space for my complex nature has vastly changed my self-talk and self-compassion. Hummingbird was delightful - she takes you on a journey within yourself, explains things in a way that is clear and easy to remember, and delivers it all with a light and infectious excitement.




Get a detailed breakdown of your natal chart & transits; or, ask about any specific aspect of your astrology. Great for beginners, people who have been learning about their charts for years/decades, and anyone in between. Option to add a channeled message at the end.

purchase here ✨


Ask your questions to the spirit guides, and receive answers through the cards, in particular the profound illustrations of the Psychic Tarot by John Holland. This is not a traditional tarot reading with a complex spread; it's more of an intentional conversation with the spirit world.

purchase here ✨


A clean, honest energy read on you, another person, and the vibes between you, using a simple spread with three decks originally developed for twin flame readings. Please note, this is not a synastry reading, but you can let me know relevant astrological placements in the purchase form.

purchase here ✨



A set of readings devoted to the nodes in your natal chart, and to the fleshing out of at least one layer of your karmic story. The KDD consists of:

  • 2 live readings (60-70 mins)

  • 1 recorded past life reading (30ish mins)

  • email access anytime for the duration of the package


apply here


The Pluto Work is based on an understanding of the natal chart as a map of your psychosomatic territory, and the cultural, ancestral and karmic layers we all carry in our bodies. It combines astrology with somatics, trance, and other practices and frameworks to help you embrace your power and evolutionary potential in these Plutonian times. The package includes:

  • 6 live sessions (60-70 mins)

  • 3 recorded readings (30ish mins)

  • opening & closing ceremony (45 mins each)

  • two workbooks & one ebook

  • voicenote/text/email access for duration of package

$1250 (beta price)

apply here
  I have been a client of Hummingbird's for longer than I can remember. She has never failed to be there for me in any time of crisis, be it relationship and heart centered issues or just the general anxiety of living in the world as well know it. She is insightful and kind, is always prompt in getting back to me, and her intuition is always helpful. She not only knows her stuff (astrology) but helps guide me in my own inner knowing as well. I have come to her many times when I felt I needed guidance and didn't know where else to turn. She is more than just an astrologer, she is a friend, and a resource. I highly recommend her services to everyone, for whatever reason. 💜
This reading was so informative. Hummingbird pointed out things in my chart I had noticed but not thought much about and invited me to think about them in such different ways. As tarot often goes, one of the cards that was pulled during the reading was a card I had recently pulled for myself, and again Hummingbird's interpretation of the card's meaning and ways to think about it were so rich and deep. I didn't feel like I was getting new information, but being asked to see familiar things in a different light, from a new angle which brought both clarity and nuance. I will definitely be working with Hummingbird again based on this reading.​
I always have this amazing experience with Hummingbird.  I feel like she really hears and listens to me and is able to give me in depth information from the parts of my chart that are most pertinent to what I am going through. I always leave feeling a greater sense of clarity and support, and like I got exactly the information I was needing and then some. For anyone who feels the need to be heard and validated in their experience, Hummingbird is truly amazing—she has incredible insight and a beautiful way of weaving metaphor, stories, archetypes, and more into the lessons and information her clients are seeking.
Thank you so much for this reading. I cried twice while watching the video. This is not the first time I've had my trans identity reflected back to me in tarot readings, but I didn't know that it was reflected in my astrology and so it was so affirming and fascinating to hear you reflect on androgyny and unconventional gender expression inherent in my chart.​
I worked with Hummingbird for several months while I experienced one of the most difficult transitions of my life. She is a guiding light, so approachable and understanding, and willing and able to travel into the messy, dark depths of the human experience to retrieve wisdom. Hummingbird has an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of astrology and how it relates to personal and relational karma. She provides such loving support and her skills in energy work have been cultivated with integrity. I highly recommend her to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of self through an astrological lens. Honored to consider Hummingbird a friend, colleague, and ally in the healing and transformation of personal and collective karma here on earth.
The whole reading felt pretty on point with where I’ve been, where I’m at, and what might be ahead. I’ve rewatched a few times, mainly because I get super emotional… I really appreciate your interpretations and presence, and I definitely noticed congruencies between the cards and my chart. I feel less apprehension and more excitement to just experience the flow of life this year and moving forward.


Hummingbird’s ability to tap into Spirit's guidance has been profoundly helpful in my life. I came to her for guidance on a situation in  my relationship and she gave me a lot of helpful perspectives that I hadn’t considered. Her reading helped me see the bigger picture and the karmic threads that could be playing out, and as a result my nervous system was able to relax. After sitting with the reading it felt like tension patterns in my body unraveled and stuck energy started moving. I felt seen, and supported by her and Spirit. If you are looking for a clear voice to provide guidance and loving support, Hummingbird is it!