radical truths for radical times

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a monthly newsletter bridging astrology, politics and collapse

hi, I'm Hummingbird 

Thanks for dropping by Collapse Astrology. If you're looking for politically relevant astrology to help guide you through trying times, you're in the right place. Within this body of work, you'll find a perspective that combines astrology, mythology & depth psychology with history, politics, somatics and more. We don't sugarcoat things here. But if you're ready for some bitter yet medicinal realities, come on in.  




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Radical times call for radical narratives.

The original meaning of "radical" is "root". Astrology has roots in both earth and sky. As the American and western cultural mythos dissolves, revealing itself for the shallow and false facade it always was, how can we orient ourselves? We need new stories to help us grasp our place in history and how we arrived here. While neither perfect nor complete, astrology offers an astoundingly aligned map of humanity's current predicament, and an archetypal/mythological framework to help us reckon with it.

Within Collapse Astrology, you'll find resources for deepening your relationship with astrology both on the personal and collective levels.


Options for evolving your astrological practice and education.

Private Readings

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Astro-political Education

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Free Resources

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Hummingbird is a gifted channel and conduit and I am so grateful to encounter and receive her astrological work to help inform my own empowered action in the world.




Hummingbird is the real deal—a gifted astrologer, fiercely intelligent, skilled in well-honed healing practices, intimately connected to her own spiritual guidance, and authentically open and humble enough to walk aside as a partner on the journey rather than the detached guru-type presence that healing practitioners so easily default to within systems of domination.



"This [writing] is medicinal; like chewing a bitter herb or root and feeling it slowly and clearly redefining your body's biome. Drink your bitters, it's time to digest what is happening here."




Mostly I want you to know how grateful I am for your insights. I know you do many of these readings and give the same deep attention to all your clients. It’s an honor and a pleasure to be in your gaze for a little while, and to see what you see.
